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10 to 19 h (15 mar-16 oct) and from 10 to 18 h (16 oct-14   casa-museo josé Benlliure
      mar). Sunday and holidays from 10 to 15 h. Entrance price   Blanquerías, 23. Tel. 96 391 16 62
      2 €. Gothic architecture. Construction work began in 1392.   Horario: Martes a sábado de 10-14 h. y de 15-19 h (15
      The walls were demolished in 1865 and the towers are iso-  mar-15 oct). Martes a sábado de 10-14 h. y de 15-18 h (16
      lated. For a time they were used as a prison for nobles.
                                              oct-14 mar).  Domingos y festivos de 10-15 h. Entrada 2
                                              € (domingos y festivos gratuita). Visiting hours: Tuesday to
      torres de quart / quart towers          Saturday from 10 to 14 h and from 15 to 19 h (15 mar-15
      Guillem de Castro, 89. Construcción militar del gótico tar-  oct), Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 14 h and from 15 to
      dío. Se proyectaron como torres defensoras de la ciudad, y  19 h (16 oct-14 mar). Sunday and Holidays from 10 to 15
      hasta 1874 se llamaron Torres de Cal, pues en el s. XVIII se  h.  Entrance 2 € (Sundays and Holidays free admission).
      exigía cal a quien pasara por allí. Horarios: Lunes cerrado.
      De martes a sábados de 10 a 14 y de 16:30 a 20:30. Domin-
      gos y festivos de 10 a 15 h. Entrada 2€, gratuita los domin- centro cultural La Beneficència
      gos y festivos. Late Gothic military construction. They were  Corona, 36. Tel. 96 388 35 65
      planned as defensive towers, and until 1874 they were  Horario: martes a domingo de 10-20 h. Lunes cerrado. En-
      known as the Torres de Cal because during the 18th cen-  trada gratuita. Visiting hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 h
      tury a payment of lime was demanded from everyone who  to 20 h. Monday  closed.  Free admission.
      passed through. Opening hours: Monday closed. Tuesday
      to Saturday from 10 to 14 and from 16:30 to 20:30. Sun-
      day and holidays from 10 to 15. Entrance: 2€, sundays and  centro de artesanía de La comunidad
      holidays free entrance.                 valenciana
                                              Hospital, 7 (Acceso Jardines Antiguo Hospital)
                                              Tel. 96 351 30 90 / 96 352 05 20 / Fax. 96 394 44 91
      Museos Museums                 /
                                              Horario expo. Gallery hours: De LU-VI From MON-FRI de
      almudín /  almudín                      10-14h. y de 16-19,30h. Atención al Público Customer ser-
      Plaza de San Luis Beltrán, 1. Tel. 96 352 54 78  vice opening hours: De LU-VI From MON-FRI de 9-14h. y
      Horario: Martes a sábado de 10-14 h y de 15-19 h. (15  de 16-19,30h.
      mar-15 oct) o de 10-14 h y de 15-18 h (16 oct-14 mar). Do-
      mingos y festivos de 10-15 h. Entrada 2 €. Opening hours:
      Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 14 h and from 15 to 19  centro del carmen
      h (15 mar-15 oct) or from 10 to 14 h and 15 to 18 h (16  Museo, 2 (Convento del Carmen). Tel. 96 315 20 24
      oct-14 mar). Sunday and Holidays from or 10 to 15 h. En-  Horario: Martes a domingo de 11-14 h y de 17-20 h. Entra-
      trance 2 €.                             da Gratuita. Situado en la zona del antiguo claustro gótico,
                                              en la actualidad es un centro multidisciplinar que alberga
                                              cuatro salas de exposiciones.
      casa-museo Blasco ibáñez
      Isabel de Villena, 156. Tel. 96 352 54 78 (ext. 2586).
      Horario: Martes a sábado de 10-14 h. y de 15-19 h (15  circulo de Bellas artes de valencia
      mar-15 oct), Martes a sábado de 10-14 h. y de 15-18 h (16  C/ Cadirers, 5 – 46001 VALENCIA
      oct-14 mar). Domingos y festivos de 10-15 h. Entrada 2 €  Teléfono: 963 919 310 / Fax: 963 919 386
      Visiting hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 14 h and
      from 15 to 19 h (15 mar-15 oct), Tuesday to Saturday  from
      10 to 14 h and from 15 to 18 h (16 oct-14 mar). Sunday  museu valencià d’etnologia
      and Holidays from 10 to 15 h. Entrance 2 €.  Corona, 36 Tel. 96 3883614 CC.C. La Beneficència.

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